Edwin Andrew

I'm Edwin Andrew

This is my portfolio.

An aerospace engineer turned software developer.

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About Me

Hello! I'm Edwin, a software developer based in Toronto, Ontario. This website is my platform for sharing my ideas and notes as I learn and master new skills everyday.

Skills & Interests

Project Management

Featured Projects

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👨‍💻 Software Development
COVID-19 Global Tracker

This project uses the data repository for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE). Also, Supported by ESRI Living Atlas Team and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (JHU APL). Using Spring Boot, a simple web UI displays the total confirmed cases for each country. The data is updated every 24 hours.

JavaSpring Boot
🤖 Engineering
Agricultural Planting Drone
  • Payload subsystem designed to determine soil quality for the agricultural industry
  • Used various sensors to determine distance from ground, air quality, UV light, temperature and humidity.
  • Used circuit analysis to wire payload and wrote C code to program the payload to complete the desired task via Arduino IDE
  • Designed excel macros to compute if the data retrieved from the payload is sufficient for plant growth
  • 3-D printed a monocoque chassis for the payload that was able to withstand expected forces and stresses
Systems EngineeringArduinoC3D Printing
🤖 Engineering
Aerospace Structural Design Project

Our team was given various parameters and constraints for an aircraft. Our goal was to use various methods and techniques learned and apply them to determine if the airplane was structurally sound with the selected materials.

Structural AnalysisDesign
📊 Data Science
Pokemon Analysis

This project will provide a brief glimpse into data manipulation and visualization in Jupyter Notebooks. Using pokemon data, various parameters will be tested and compared to find the best and worst pokemon in each class. This data set includes 721 Pokemon, including their number, name, first and second type, and basic stats: HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.

PythonJupyter Notebooks
🤖 Engineering
Avionics Design Project
  • Prioritized and assigned work to a team of seven to support project schedule
  • Simulated a 3-DOF model of the drone to test trajectory, PID performance, and flight performance on Simulink
  • Designed the control system of the drone via MATLAB and root locus
  • Performed sensor data acquisition, signal filtering and analysis to create a more precise simulation of the system
  • Implemented signal processing and basic computer vision techniques to track the drones position
  • Designed automated flight control for aerial drilling using Stateflow in Simulink
Computer VisionControl Systems

Get In Touch!

I'm currently looking for new opportunities, so my inbox is always open. Connect with me on LinkedIn or shoot me an email.